Introduction and first 5 Not So Fun Facts

Posted by: ilou2010 / Category:

To everything that is fun, there has to be a not-so -fun side as well. Well, since we have been giving out fun facts, we would also like to share with you some not so fun ones as a contrast to them.

The fun facts were aimed at giving you insight to this wonderful species. These not-so-fun ones are aimed at giving you insight to the threats to the orangutans.

So here goes.. The first 5 on our list are :

Fact number one :

Every minute, every day an area equal to six football fields of Indonesian forest disappears. Note that Indonesian forests are part of the orangutan habitat.

Fact number two:

Orangutans in the entertainment industry do not have social security or pensions to fall back on when they have to retire.  Their former trainers and owners do not provide for their needs once they are too old to bring in money.

Fact number three :

Since small orangutans are easier to handle in the entertainment industry they keep breeding orangutans in captivity in order to keep the supply of babies available.  After taking them from their mother and using them for our entertainment the orangutans are then set aside when they become to large to handle usually kept in cages too small for them.  

Fact number four : 

Orangutans used in the entertainment industry are torn from their mothers when born, kept in small cages on the set with nothing to entertain them for enrichment of their lives but forced to perform and “entertain” people many times a day.  Their former owners regrettably do not provide them retirement income when they become to large to handle and are turned over to the Center for Great Apes sanctuary in Florida.

Fact number five :

Approximately 1 out of 6 orphaned orangutans is fortunate enough to be rescued.

What exactly are orangutans doing in the entertainment industry??? How would we, as humans, feel if we were treated like that? What are we doing to stop all this? Only WE can make a DIFFERENCE!
Before you watch an animal show, think about what the performers are forced to go through.

Orangutans kick boxing in Thailand while cheering crowds watch and jeer.

The abject humiliation an orangutan has to go through being forced to wear human clothes to entertain the audience. Well, it doesn't look very funny to me.

The look on his face says it all.

The above facts and photos to come are sourced from


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