Not So Fun Facts IV

Posted by: ilou2010 / Category:

Yet even more to ponder over...

Fact number 16:

Illegal logging and fires are making the native habitat rain forests of the orangutans disappear at an unsustainable rate.

Fact number 17:

When the rain forest is cut down or burned, orangutans are often forced to enter plantations in order to find food where humans kill or capture them.

Fact number 18:

In Asia there is a big market for orangutan babies as pets.

Fact number 19:

Orangutans are often smuggled to other countries in the large freighters loaded with the very timber that was once their home and many die en route.

Fact number 20:

Illnesses, stress, depression and death are typical of captive orangutans. 

Smuggled infant orangutan found dead.

A baby orangutan clings to his dead mother.

Innocent but behind bars.

Photos taken from


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