Introduction and the first 5 Fun Facts

Posted by: ilou2010 / Category:

To encourage interest in our blog we have decided to start posting fun facts about orangutans on a weekly basis (or more often if we can manage it).

Today, we'll begin with :

Fun fact number 1:
Orangutan is actually a combination of the malay words Orang meaning 'man' and Hutan meaning 'forest'. Therefore an orangutan is a 'man of the forest'.

Fun fact number 2:
Orangutans build roofs using leaves and branches during the rainy season.

Fun fact number 3:
Mature female orangutans prefer to mate with mature male orangutans and typically reject immature ones (Not unlike humans). Mature meaning 'fully grown' in this context.

Fun fact number 4:
Orangutans can remember which trees to visit in the forest during different seasons to get fruit to eat.

Fun fact number 5:
Orangutans can live up to 50 years old (The oldest orangutan , Non-ja, died in captivity at the age of 55 from a brain hemorrhage).

 Non-ja, believed to be the world's oldest orangutan died in the Miami Metro Zoo.


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